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1k HElves starting list - need suggestions


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How's this for starting HElves 1000 pts (want to dust off my old army and give it a try):
Allegiance: Order


Seawarden on Foot (100)
- General
- Trait: Inspiring
- Artefact: Phoenix Stone

20 x Highborn Spearmen (160)
5 x Reavers (160)

30 x Highborn Archers (300)

War Machines
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)

Total: 960 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 77


Any ideas or suggestions would be nice. Planning on expanding to 2k army, and have most of the WHFB HElves (IoB units, Phoenix guard, White lions, Eagles...)

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Hi @badtaste, welcome to the tga and to AoS. :) 

You're not going to get anything game breakingly competitive out of old High Elf units right now due to their lack of rend/mortal wounds, but that's a pretty solid list. If you're going to be playing matched play scenarios you might want an extra character or two or even a monster in the list for Duality of Death.

You could always drop one of the Bolt Throwers for an Archmage, who's got a great defensive bubble spell, but if you've got one laying around and wanted to give the list some real teeth I'd recommend swapping the archers out for a Dragon Lord or Annointed on Frostheart Phoenix - both are probably the best old High Elf units to make the jump to AoS, and two of the best monsters point for point in the game.

If you've got access to Season of War: Firestorm Hammerhal allegiance is also worth taking too as your list qualifies for it, and it'll give you an army wide bravery bonus for no cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Double Misfire, thanks for the answers.

So, archers combined with Sea warden are not that great? I thought that combination of special rules might give plenty of 3+ shots with reroll, which can hurt even without rending.

I was primarily looking what can I make out of miniatures I already have, so is there a place for Swordsmans/White Lions/Phoenix guard in expanding this list to 1500 and 2000 pts, respectively. I have Achmage and can obtain Frosthearth Phoenix as well... I also wanted to include that new Stormcast hero from Malign Portents which gives +1 to wound on order warmachines and to boost Bolt Throwers... Anyway any ideas and suggestions are more then welcome...

Thanks again!

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Hi @badtaste, glad they were of some use.

The archers combined with the Seawarden are pretty good, but still struggle to deal with heavily armoured targets (a 3+ save with mystic shield cast on it or in cover) with all the shots in the world.

The 1k list you posted as it stands is great at killing stuff, I'd just worry about it's ability to take objectives in most matched play scenarios as unlike WFB AoS is a scenario based game and very much  about playing the mission as well as your opponent.

The Lord-Ordinator (new Stormcast guy with the moustache who likes warmachines) is a great upgrade for bolt throwers, you'll have to make him your general to get the most out of him though.

Out of interest what High Elf models do you already have? If you wanted I could have a go a writing a semi-competitive/fun to play list based on what you've already got. :) 

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Again, @Double Misfire thanks!

So here is the list of HElves miniatures I have (in no particular order):

- Island of Blood/Spire of Dawn pack plus some extra miniatures, in total:

1 Hero on Griffon

1 Archmage

20 Lothern Sea Guard

20 Swordmasters of Hoeth

10 Elyrian Reavers

20 Regular Spearmen

20 Archers

20 Phoenix Guard

20 White lions

2 Bolt Throwers (with crew)

1 White lion Chariot

2 Great Eagles

1 Anointed

1 Korhil

1 Mage on foot

1 Hero with banner

5 shadow warriors

I think this is it... if I remember something I'll add :)


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Hey @badtaste,

I've jotted down a quick 1k that should play fairly competitively. I included the champion from your unit of Shadow Warriors as a Waywatcher, a Wanderer (Wood Elf) hero choice, who when he's firing fast shots is probably the best points for points ranged unit in the game. If you don't like him feel free to replace him with a bolt thrower!

Anointed, general, Legendary Fighter, Relic Blade

Fairly standard general type guy, hard to shift with his 4+ ward and able to do a reasonable amount of damage in combat and also gives you a bonus dispel against magic heavy stuff. Bargain for 80 points! If he doesn't work for you consider replacing him with another Waywatcher?


Exists to throw Mystic Shield on whichever unit looks like they're going to take the most pain that turn. Also a decent dispeller.


Living artillery piece. Always choose to fire fast shots with this guy, and try not to move him if you can so he gets extra shots on 5s. If you like him consider fielding your spare Shadow Warriors as more. :P 

10 Highborn Spearmen

These guys fill a battleline slot and have the very glamorous job of sitting on home objectives.

5 Reavers

Unlikely to kill much, even with 15 shots, but very, very fast and great at securing objectives and holding up enemy models. Would probably be overpointed if they didn't take up a batteline slot.

10 Phoenix Guard

Tanky elite unit, hard to shift and not bad against less heavily armoured stuff.

20 White Lions

Hitty Elite unit, make sure to hit stuff with them before your opponent does.


At 2000 points you could look at expanding the Phoenix Guard to 20, and adding a second unit of Reavers, 20 Swordmasters, 2 bolt throwers and either a Lord-Ordinator (as your general) or a second Waywatcher.

You'll still be struggling against heavily armoured foes without any mortal wounds or much rend, but that's sort of the way with a lot of the old WFB factions. Good luck! :D 

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2 hours ago, badtaste said:

Wow! Thanks a lot @Double Misfire gonna try this one and let you know about results ASAP...

also, since I can obtain Annointed on Frostheart Phoenix for a reasonable price, is there a space for him/that in the army?

Definitely! I'd consider dropping the Anointed on foot and either the Phoenix Guard or 10 White Lions for it. Good luck with the army. :) 

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@badtaste Hey buddy, I'm very much in the same boat, having picked up a stack of the High elf range second hand and now am having to figure out what to do with them all. Double Misfire has given you some quaility advice, dont discount it.

Dragons and Phoenixes are the stars of the show, but one of the most difficult things I find is dealing with the battleline requirements. Even if you're willing to cross the old elven lines and use DE (Darklins Covens) or WE (Wanderers) the elven battleine options are petty lacklustre.

Highborn spears aren't bad, 40 backed up by a Seawarden on foot is an easy 420 points and nets you 80 attacks 3+/3+/-/1 if you play it right. Good but very easy for a lot of armies to tie up with 2+ re-rolling 1's armour saves, which are surprisingingly common.

Reavers are also cool, great move, jump shoot jump and a little pew pew but man are they expensive at 160 points. Not saying that they aren't worth it as they are liquid quick but dropping 160 points on 10 5+ save wounds hurts.

You have access to all the Darkling Coven infantry, swords, spears and bolts but as you'd be doing counts as you'd only really look at the spears, which aren't bad. 100/360 for 10 and 40 respectively. So slighter more expensive than Highborn spears for 40 attacks 2+/4+/-/1, best case scenario. Even without the Seawarden, Highborn are a better buy.

And then there are Glade Guard, 120 for 10, 30 of them can drop 30 shots 3+/4+/-/1  with a once per game -3 rend shot. If you are going to take archers run them as Glade Guard. The once of -3 rend shot is super good at taking down key enemy pieces and they fulfil a battleline slot, which highborn archers do not.

So your battle line will really be decided on what you take for your elite infantry, which is kind of decided on whether you go offensive of defensive. Offensive in Swordmasters or White Lions or defensively in Phoenix Guard.

Swordmasters and White Lions are pretty much the same, 2 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1 with good defensive buffs. Swordmasters are better but just a little more costly. I see both units as small 10 man units. They have no benefits for unit sive and no real command trait buffs. There is a niffty trick you can do with Swordmasters, the Tempest's Eye Alligence and the Guardians of the Dawn Spire Battalion but I'm 100% sure the battalion is a legal choice in matched play anymore.

Phoenix Guard are where it is at (Spoiler). 30 will cost you 420, expensive but... 2" reach, so fight in 3 ranks. with 2 attacks each at 3+/3+/-/1. So solid output but again suffers for the lack of rend. But they have a 4+ armour and 4+ save after the save, which is epic. Being able to shrug off mortal wounds is crazy good (see Phoenixes also). They can also ignore battle shock if there is a Phoenic Temple hero within 8" so you do not have to drop a command trait on them to tank. There are so many ways you can send their durability through the roof. Super solid choice, especially with every man an his dog throwing out mortals like candy.

Speaking of command traits...

Now that we have the Lord-Ordinator available bolt throwers just became so much better. 2 bolt throwers, an Ordinator and Seawarden is 440 points that lets out a massive 36 3+/2+/-1/1 shots a turn at 36" range thanks to the buffs and the Ordinator command ability. You also have the option of using the -2 rend D3 damage shot if you come up against treelords and the like that ignore -1 rend with 2+ saves. It is super glass cannon but woof, it is crazy levels of output.

I tend to leave the Dragon knights at home, unless you build a list around them they are just underwhelming. Like most things on horses in AoS. Not sure GW has a thing against horses.

You have an excellent range of wizards in the Loremaster, Archmage, Spellsinger, Sisters of the Thorn etc but don't forget the humble Battlemage. As you're running mixed order these guys are great as they can choose from 8 spells at the start of the game depening on what you need. +1 to wound, -1 to hit, healing, immunity to battleshock etc etc.

The elephant in the room is Mortal Wound output, we are lacking for it. Dragons help with their breath attack, the Drakeseer has a spell that after casting has a 25% chance of doing 6 mortal wounds (12.5% of 10!). Hurricanum can do work but really all of these options are expensive and for the most part fragile. Stormcast have lots of options but, I have played with enough space maines for a lifetime.

Some of the lists idea i'm working on...

Anointed Of Asuryan On Frostheart Phoenix (240)
Anointed Of Asuryan On Frostheart Phoenix (240)
Loremaster (100)
Battlemage (100)

30 x Glade Guard (360)
5 x Reavers (160)
5 x Reavers (160)
30 x Phoenix Guard (420)
- Phoenix Temple Battleline

5 x Sisters of the Thorn (220)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 124

Enough wizards to super charge the Phoenixes which run amok, glade guard can take a good whack off whatever needs to die. Phoenix Guard hold the center, Reavers run a around doing stuff... Not amazing, not terrible.

Anointed Of Asuryan On Frostheart Phoenix (240)
Drakeseer (300)
Archmage On Dragon (320)
- Magestaff
Loremaster (100)
Seawarden on Foot (100)
Lord-Ordinator (100)
- General

5 x Reavers (160)
5 x Reavers (160)
30 x Highborn Spearmen (240)

1 x Gryph-Hound (40)

War Machines
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)
Highborn Repeater Bolt Thrower (120)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 120

A bit top heavy but the Spears and bolt throwers hold ground and throwout some serious dakka while the dragons drop MWs around the place and Phoenix plays tank.

I'm looking forward to giving them a good solid go. They are not as powerful as some of the newer books but you can have some fun.

Good hunting

Edit: Thanks for the question, I was rattling all this in my head so it was nice to actually get it all out on paper as it were

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