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iOS app to identify magnetic polarity


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( Disclaimer: I buy my magnets from KJ Magnetics ... so I’m on their mailing list. I have no financial interest and I didn’t make the app myself.  I figured I’d share the cool find :) ) 

So just a heads up for those of you who magnetize your models (and use iPhones).

When magnetizing a bunch of models to do interchangeable weapons or parts,  making sure that all of the polarity is identical is a good thing...

KJ Magnetics just released their “KJ Pole ID” app to determine magnetic polarity of your magnets.

So, If you’re trying to get all of your arms and attachments in the same polarity so they all work together this app might be a help. It works on IOS and is free, and works with any magnets (not just the ones they sell)


(If only it helped with the gluing .... :P )

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