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Kharadron mortal wounds


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After a few games with my Kharadrons against particularly resilient units (ex: Bastilladons and Stardrake) I noticed the flagrant lack of Mortal Wound of the army. I skipped until today thanks to the Rend offered by many weapons Kharadrons, but the non-modifiable saves have seriously tested my patience.

I started to search in allies for a unit with a good MW ratio, not too expensive to align enough of it to make a difference, and model that make sense in my army of sky pirates. After reflection, the Gyrobomber seem to me a fair choice. A conversion is easily achievable to align styles, and MW performance for a unit 2-4 gyro is acceptable  for an acceptable cost.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?

And finally, how to integrate them in my list (I exchanged an Admiral and 3 skywarden against 3 gyrobombers, again if someone has a suggestion)

PS: also though about fulminator, but the MW looks less fiable 


Allegiance: Order

Aether-Khemist (140)
Aether-Khemist (140)

20 x Arkanaut Company (240)
10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

6 x Skywardens (200)
9 x Endrinriggers (360)

War Machines
Arkanaut Ironclad (440)
3 x Gyrobombers (240)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 240 / 400
Wounds: 113



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Mortals are generally regarded as unnecessary for KO.  They have access to large quantities of rend 2 and 3 attacks that can be augmented by their heroes.  The typical strategy is to simply avoid units like the Stardrake or Bastiladon, or to chuck your big ship at it and tie it up in combat since neither of those units is strong against other high wound or powerful monsters.  A stardrake is still going to do some impact the battle with rain of stars...but your opponent paid 560 points for that privilege. 

A large part of AoS is determining the best way to negatively impact your opponent, which is very rarely to directly assault their tanky units that they have sunk a large portion of their points into.  Playing KO I would be ecstatic if my opponent chose to attempt to kill my Stardrake because I would then proceed to wreck their entire force with my fully intact high damage units.

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