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Need help with 2000pt ironweld arsenal


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Hi there @warhammernoob, welcome to the forum. :D 

Unfortunately it's not possible to field a full Ironweld Arsenal army in matched play games as the Ironweld Arsenal has no battleline units available to it, so the closest you can get to fielding a full force of Ironweld models is a basic Order allegiance army with the maximum amount of artillery in it. Visually the Freeguild and Dispossessed ranges are identical to human and duardin Ironweld artillery crew, and are a solid choice to build a warmachine heavy list around.

I've created a thread with lots of long posts detailing getting the best use out the various Ironweld Arsenal warscrolls and building a list around them; I hope it's of some use to you:

Fair warning, Ironweld Arsenal stuff looks awesome, but is in no way game breaking, so you may struggle to get easy wins out of it.


The matched play points values of AoS models can be found in the General's Handbook 2017, or on the Azyr subscription feature on the Age of Sigmar app (well worth it for only £1 a month!). :) 

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