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Options for a 700 point list - Beastclaw or gutbusters


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Hi guys, I'm looking at two possibilities for a 700 point list one beastclaw one gutbusters would love some opinions on which one I should take:

List 1)

Huskard on stone horn

2x Mourngang 

2x Mournfang


List 2) 

1 x butcher 

3x Leadbelcher

12 x ogres (I'm right in think I get a discount if I have a full sized unit right?)


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The butcher can pass out inspiring presence if he stays within range of them, so in a game this small that's enough. Tyrant is a nice roaming bruiser in small games so it's tempting to play one, but just thinking about a butcher putting mystic shield on something and +1 to hit on 12 ogors sounds devastating.

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No problem, don't forget that whatever hero is your general gets Inspiring Presence command ability for free. So you might wonder why Tyrant has a similar but worse seeming command ability, well his is good in larger games because you take a d3mw on your 48-wound ogor unit (or 60 grots), then the tyrant is free to be elsewhere inspiring presencing somebody else all game.

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