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How do I paint the Barak-Mhornar scheme?


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So I'm about half way done the scheme and getting to layering and I'm having problems getting the overalls to look like the book. I put down the zandri dust. Shade it in. Now do I want to edge highlight with the ushabti bone or do I want to paint a layer and leave the dark areas? I'm having problems getting the brush into all these little areas to put a smooth coat down and its coming off very rough looking and starting to obscure lots of the shadowy areas. It looks bad and ugly. I need some advice. I'm using a wargaming very fine brush for this or attempting to and the ushabti is drying out very fast on the brush. 


Also the book mentions black all of a sudden? It didn't say there was a black base colour and I checked the picture and it looks like black or dark grey of some sort for the belt. I need help folks. I am not looking forward to painting any more infantry of this paint scheme this is proving to be deceptively difficult and I've been stuck for awhile now. 

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