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Display painting query - light sources.


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Hey guys.   Query for a Stardrake project.   My goal is to reach a high display standard to push my limits and develop some new non metallic metal / blending skills.           My query relates to light sources.    Say I put my light source above and to the left of the model.   The opposite side of the model is going to not have the light reaching most of the model therefore meaning it will need to be really dark to be true to the light source.

Just hoping any competitive painters can give me tips on how they work highlights/brightness on the dark side of the model,   or just ignore it and pretend there's a second light source?

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Undercoat the model black, and then get some grey primer. The grey primer can is your 'light source', or 'light sources' if there's more than one. Spray the model only from the direction of the light source using the grey primer. When you look at the model, you'll have a really nice, very obvious indication of where the strongest light hits the model, and where the shadows fall as the black will be evident in the deepest recesses. 

The difficult part comes in that you have to paint the main colours of your model matching the areas you just primed if you want to get the lighting right. The best example I can give you of someone doing this would be in a video of a guy painting Luke Skywalker from the new Star Wars tabletop game:



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