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Competitive DoT list


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Below is my attempt at a competitive list. Looking for C&C (especially about spells). I originally had a Tzaangor Coven, but people seem to think they are poor (and I couldn't get the points to work without cutting characters), 

Allegiance: Tzeentch

Gaunt Summoner
Tzaangor Shaman
Chaos Sorcerer Lord
Lord Of Change w/ Magical Supremacy,  Aspect of Tzeentch, Spell: Fold reality

9 x Tzaangor Skyfires 
30 x Tzaangors 
10 x Kairic Acolytes
10 x Kairic Acolytes
Total: 1990 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 146

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Looks good over all. I would suggest dropping both the acolyte units for a unit of pink horrors (120) and a unit of Marauders (60) for 180 in total. 

Gives you an extra spell from the pinks and the Marauders with shields are on a 4+ save in cover which makes them pretty survivable certainly more so than the acolytes. 

Also means you are now 30 points under so pretty good bets on picking up a triumph. 

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Well I might be way too noob or non competitive minded but lately I have had a great success fielding lots of horrors and keeping loads of summoning points for flamers and splitting. The changeling has also been a great addition to this combo. Not too keen on chunks of skyfires. In my opinion they are boring to play with and against. Though they are very effective. 

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On 12/26/2017 at 6:36 PM, Morglm5780 said:

thanks for the input. I don't understand what a Triumph is though. I thought those were Open Play things. 

Stratigo. are more or less skyfires competitive?




Less, or so I see. I can see the value in like, maybe 3 to 6 for some precision sniping, but at 9 they are just... a really big target. Now I see all things in the context of my own army (kharadrons), but armies with high speed or drop in (eg, most if not all competitive armies in the game) are gonna be on top of you fast. You are sacrificing bodies and murder to add in the sky fires. And, most importantly, you are not a low drop list, meaning your opponent gets the initiative and will likely kill those 9 skyfires first thing. With my KO, I know I'd not have muh problem smashing into a big unit like that. With 6, I suddenly have to decide what in your army I want to kill the most (the big chicken usually). If you had a way (I don't believe you do) of getting those skyfires into a 1, or maybe even a 2 drop army, they might pay off as you grab the first turn and put out pain, but as it stands, in a competitive setting, I can't imagine them surviving against a lot of competitive armies.



Oh, and as someone previously mentioned, you want pink horrors. Pink horrors and a few reserved summoning points become one of the most frustrating units to remove in the game. Park them on an objective and split them and just... ugh. it's awful

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