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Dryads vs Spyte-Revenants.


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Hi! I'm looking at Sylvaneth units to start a new army and I'm a little surprise comparing this two units.

Lets not start with the fact that one is 5 models for 29€ and the other 16 for 33€ (I know, the Spite-Revenants are newer, nicer, etc... but Dryads are cool too!)

Their stats lines is the same. The only difference is that the Dryad move 2" more, and the Spite-Revenants have 1 more attack per model (3 compared with 2, but they have only 1" range instead of 2" for the Dryads).


The special rules of the Revenants aren't really that impresive. -1 to Bravery and using two dice for Battleshock if they are near a piece of terrain. In the other hand, Dryads can have +1 to hit agaisn't one unit in meele, +1 save if they are 12 or more models, and -1 to hit if they are near terrain.

Dryads are 10 points per model, and Spite-Revenants are 16 points per model. 

So my question is... theres a reason to take Spite-Revenants instead of Dryads? The difference in the smallest size of the unit is just 20 points (80 for the Revenants for 5 vs 10 for 10 Dryads), so I don't think its even worth it for the "Well, I don't want to spend more points for battleline)

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Although the Spite Revenants rules look underwhelming on paper, I thought the same when first saw them, in practise the battleshock effects they bring can come in quite useful. With all the Wyldwoods we can set up onto the table the two dice for battleshock can spread quite far. I have had a few games now where it has meant a few extra enemy models fleeing off the board,or preventing daemons coming back on a role of 1. Spite Revenants are for sitting a little behind your lines and making the most out of their special rules.That being said, I wouldn't fill my Battleline purely of Spite Revenants unless I was aiming at fielding a Dreadwood Wargrove. 

Dryads and Revenants, despite both being batteline, have very different roles to play on the battlefield and if you were to use Spite Revenants the same way as you would Dryads they would fail dramatically. Dryads are a better all round choice to fill up our battleline slots, but I find having a unit of Revenants (Spite and Tree) in the mix is always useful and fun. 



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