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Nagash 2000 Point List


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I'm considering this as I have pretty much all of it on the shelf ready to go.  So far I have this as the building block using the death GA alliance.  


Wight King-120


40 Skellies-280

40 Skellies-280

10 zombies-60

This leaves 350 points left over, right now I have some ideas. As you can see above I have some solid tarpit units that can be heavily buffed out so they can dish out some serious hurt.  What I think I'm missing is a heavy hitter that can move very fast and take an objective. It's also important to note that any of the things I've come up with below combined with the necromancers spell(attack twice) would be pretty devastating.  Take a look at my ideas below

Option A-6 crypt flayers (320 points).  A solid option, very quick and effective in combat, could make short work of a small unit holding an objective, another heavy hitter tied up with the skellies or even something bigger like a maw krusha. Also it's 6 models so definitely good for grabbing an objective.  

Option B- Zombie dragon (320 points).  Another great option, while it has the same mobility and damage output of the crypt flayers it is only one model so that could be an issue if I'm using it to snag an objective while the skellies tarpit.  

Option C- Restructure to fit a mourngul or necrosphinx.  That could be tough as I'm already taking nagash at 800 points.  

Option D- Some Idea you have!

Thanks for looking! I'd love to hear your thoughts, the intention of this list is competitive/tournament play. I'd love to hear success/failure stories about nagash in tournament play. 

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Your skeletons don’t have the movement to get across the board easy, I would do small blocks of skeletons or zombies and then just summon the block of 40 skeletons where you need it. Also, Morghast are great to summon. You could summon 4 harbingers in and alpha strike charge them in. What I’m saying is your list lacks mobility. Let nagash do what he is good at, summon.

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My feeling is that there are potentially four viable ways to run Nagash:

  1. As much summoning as possible. Keep your battleline light, take only whatever support you really need and can't summon, have a case full of different options and summon whatever is best suited for the scenario and opponent you are up against.
  2. As many Tomb King healing/resurrection spells as possible.
  3. Deathlords allegiance with morghast battleline, min-maxed as a small, fast, elite alpha-strike army
  4. Hit-and-miss combos that will fall apart against some opponents but steamroll others (Neferata + Nagash being an example).

That said, if you're going to stick with what you've got and try to build on it, I'd say the main thing you need is more high rend and/or mortal wounds. Big skeleton blocks can dish out attacks in quantity and hold objectives pretty well, but there's only so much Nagash can do to take out more heavily armoured foes.

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I think really what I am after here is a viable death list, Nagash seems like a great model but I do see the mobility limitations pointed out.  What do some of the higher performing death lists look like?  I could sub nagash for Arkhan the black and just do as many skellies as possible with 2 mourngols, take a look below.  Still has some mobility issues but combines some solid chaf with 2 of a seriously hard hitting model (mourngol).  The crypt gouls were chosen because they are exactly 200 points.  

Arkahn the black-320

Wight King-120



Crypt goulsx20-200





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