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Starting Skaven army


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10 hours ago, Flood said:

Ya! I wondered about  moulder allegience for rat ogre battleline. You can do like 2 units of rat ogres and a unit of chaff giant rags to fulfill battleline. Then a ton of packmasters, and since stormfiends are moulder you wont break allegiance or waste ally points. You can then bring in skryre toys or heroes as allies (juicy arch warlock? WLC? ), or a deceiver among many others. Double hell pit may even be interesting after the points drop,  especially with enough packmasters on the table.

Its definitely something i want to try. I think if moulder got traits and artefacts, id do it for sure.

Thats really cool, I was thinking to start a giant rat army as well. I have hordes of them lying around in bit boxes and it would be really fun to field a ton of them haha.

I was more leaning towards a mixed chaos list myself at the moment though. I have 30 stormvermin left to paint, and frankly, they are not fun to paint whatsoever. I was thinking to just include a group of rat ogres alongside my clanrats instead of stormvermin, especially now that the whole Verminus combo is pretty much dead anyways. I'm nearly done converting Boneripper to a Verminlord too, I just need 1 more Doomstar or a Doomglaive to finish it off and he can go as a counts-as Verminlord of any kind! :) So if anyone has a spare bit lying around, please contact me!^^

I also want to convert thanquol into a skaven warlord on broodhorror, I just cannot figure out what to use as a base for my broodhorror conversion. I hate the forgeworld version of the broodhorror haha.

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Can’t say I agree with the assumption that skaven need to have stormfiends to be competitive. I always use Skaven at tourneys and I don’t ally in anything else outside the other clans and I rarely ever use stormfiends. The gautfyre scorch is bad for the game in my opinion. No one ever really has fun playing against it. Just seen so many non events and bad experiences from it 

On topic I’d start with the spire of dawn box. Has enough different units to get your going. Play test stuff and just have fun with it 

Ultimately if you’re just looking to have fun just get what you think looks cool and what you think would be fun to paint or make a cool looking army 

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38 minutes ago, NurglesFirstChosen said:

Been thinking bout collecting skaven for my second army. Itd be an army made up by units of stormfiends led by thanquol cause the models are immense. This isn’t legal though is it?? Hoping I’m wrong haha. 

The only thing that makes it illegal is that Thanqual and Boneripper is beyond the 400 point allies cap (Thanquol = 450 points). Otherwise, you’d be able to take Skryre allegiance and Stormfiends are battle line. The only way to have all/mostly stormfiends is if you are skryre allegiance, as Stormfiends become battleline. 

It is still doable, but you have to pay a battleline tax and use the Grand Alliance Chaos allegiance. Battleline would be either 3x 20 clanrats, or branch out of skaven and find cheaper battleline elsewhere.

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