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Don't understand allegences




I'm new to AOS and don't understand the allegiance system. It says i can pick a common keyword that the units share.  Every skaven unit i looked at had the skaven keyword however when i used the paid app and the online builder using the skaven faction the unit's didn't appear. What am i missing?

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3 answers to this question

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Those categories indicate specific factions rather than merely keywords. Each Skaven unit you have is likely part of a clan (e.g., Skryre, Verminus) and would be found within that category. I would highly recommend purchasing the General's Handbook 2017 for a more straightforward way of finding your units. 

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Currently there are only benefits for having allegiance to certain keywords. So your army can be skaven allegiance but that doesn't afford it any benefits right now. Typically you're looking for keywords more specific than race, so for skaven the keywords Pestilens and Skryre are the ones that will give your army the unique artifacts, command traits, and battletraits. However, any other skaven army can take the allegiance abilities for the Chaos grand alliance that all chaos armies can take. Check out the General's Handbook 2017, it has the abilities for skaven clans Skryre and Pestilens and in the book it explains in detail the allegiance rules for matched play games. Also check in the app and online builder where you can select from a drop down list of allegiances you can select for the selected grand alliance. For example, select "Allegiance: Skaven Skryre" from the drop-down box next to where you select the faction in the online warscroll builder, and then add an Arch Warlock or Warlock Engineer from Clan Skryre to your list you'll see there are now new options alongside the generic chaos ones in the artifact drop-down box for your heroes because they have the Skryre keyword and you've selected that as your allegiance. By sticking to one of the more specific keywords that you can see listed under select allegiance in the warscroll builder, your army will not only have new options for artifacts and command abilities for your heroes and general, it will also gain a set of specific abilities that fit the flavor of the keyword/faction. Just remember that you can put together a mix of units within the same grand alliance and you will still get access to allegiance abilities (artifacts, command traits, and an army-wide battletrait) through the grand alliance.

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Thanks i get it now. Picking skaven in the app doesn't work (maybe a bug) but picking chaos as the faction does let me pick a across the board skaven army. Though i don't get plague monks as battleline then or any of the other pestilins buffs. I'll go through the models i have and pick  one of the new factions i like the look of and get my first game in! :)

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