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Allegiances, allies, summoning and adepticon/gt's


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I had a question about how summoning and allegiances have been handled in the past at larger organized events. A point of contention recently arose ibn my play group regarding allegiance abilities and summoning. it does state on page 77 of the GHB17 that 'reinforcement units must belong to the same grand alliance as the rest of your army, but can otherwise have any allegiance' however the argument was made that at certain/most tournements, if you use a reinforcement pool you must state all listed models in the pool. From this it was argued that since the units where 'listed' they than counted toward qualifyintg/disqualifying you from using certain allegiances. I know at adepticon you needed to list what units you where bringing in, but it stated nothing about allegiances in the rules packet.  Ive tried cross checking lists, but AoS seems to have rather abysmal record keeping.

What has been the case at larger tournaments? Not looking for too much on the rules interpertation side, just what have organizers done.

(I apologize if this needs to be in rules questions, I felt it wasn't so much a rules question, but a question of how tournaments have run things. Mod move if necessary)

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2 hours ago, robotnik_taco said:

however the argument was made that at certain/most tournements, if you use a reinforcement pool you must state all listed models in the pool

I've not seen a tournament state this since the time of the original Generals Handbook when tournaments would often ask you to define a sideboard of models.

My interpretation is that your Allegiance is based upon the models in your actual army list - i.e. the army you setup during deployment.  This is where your Battleline/Behemoth restrictions apply too.  For example, you cannot have your Battleline units as part of your summoning pool.

However, a tournament is perfectly entitled to add their own house rules if they wish and change the army selection rule part of the Generals Handbook.

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It's certainly not "most" tournaments, which make you list summoning choices.

At GW events in particular the pool is completely unrestricted. It will not surprise people what you do summon in general - e.g. Razordons, Harbingers, Heralds of Tzeentch, Plaguebearers, Skeletons.

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