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Feedback Requested on Alternative AoS Missions

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Hello, I run local events in Southern California and want to add a little variety to the missions, as the missions seem to heavily favor one army type vs another in each specific mission. My goal is to create some NOVA style missions for Age of Sigmar, where no matter what army you bring, or what you are up against, you have a fair shot of winning if your strategy is sound. It's never fun to walk into a matchup or mission, and feel defeated even before the first dice roll. 

I'm asking for constructive criticism on the Alternative Missions I have proposed in the Google Doc below. They follow the same format as the book missions, but the mission alternatives have different ways to score that may be beneficial to a variety of army types. 

Please check out my draft mission pack on this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ltbbJVGC0eUHdTgTiRg9MRj3DW1Fw96sCKwXJlrhhY/edit?usp=sharing 

I look forward to reading any comments / critiques / suggestions!

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Sorry, somehow missed this last week!  I'll dive straight in :)

It feels like there are too many choices - you have to pick primary, secondary and tertiary missions.  I'd likely go with a single Primary objective (i.e. the aim of the game) and a handful of secondary objectives.

The secondary missions are almost free points for some armies and really difficult for others, I'd also class them as "personal goals".  I think secondary missions/objectives are great, but I'd suggest having a lot more of them to pick from.  Possibly even making them game wide, so the first person to achieve the objective gains X mission points (but perhaps capped).  One secondary mission suggestion could be "Underdog: If a unit with a lower pitched battle points value destroys a unit with a higher pitched battle points value, gain +1 Mission Point (the unit must inflict all damage)".

Tertiary missions.  Not keen on this one if I'm honest, I've played some games where I've really struggled to remove whole units whilst my opponent comfortable snipes off my characters.  Hordes and Behemoths (which feature fairly heavily in many lists currently) aren't the easiest things to remove so again some armies could be disadvantaged with this type of objective.  My gut feeling would be to simple remove it, you could add in lots of exceptions/rules but it would needlessly complicate the game.  If you wanted to keep something like this in, it could simply be totalling up the number of wounds inflicted at the end of the game and working out how many you inflicted in comparison to your opponents total - so 25% of your opponents wounds = 1, 50% = 2, 75% = 3 & 100% = 4.

I think a bit of a rewrite of how the scoring works would help to clarify things e.g.:


For each game played there are 19 Tournament Points on offer: 9 from the primary mission; 6 from the secondary missions; 4 from the tertiary mission.

Primary Mission Victory Conditions

The following Victory Conditions supersede the conditions listed on each battleplan.  At the end of the game, calculate the Victory Point difference between the two players and consult the chart below:


I really like the idea of using the VP difference for calculating the victory conditions rather than a simple "you one by one point".

ps Tertiary doesn't have an "i" before the t ;)

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