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Tzeentch blog of what not to do


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Hello guys.

I am notoriously bad at sticking to one thing so this is my effort to really commit too tzeentch in all it's crazy glory.


i have so far only played one game, which was a few months back so can't really remember it to well, and have a game coming up tomorrow of triumph and treachery.  A nice 5 way battle to ultimate victory! I hope to post a report of what the hell goes on during all that madness.


A little pre warning, I am not a power gamer at all in any way shape or form, I try to take what I like and at the moment I love the aesthetics of the burning chariots so will be taking them a bit, including the herald. They will be as good on the table as the models look I am sure... right? Right?


oh well. Also at the moment my collection is limited to two boxes of start collecting daemons and a tzaangor shaman.


thinking about adding a unit of 20 tzaangor next to add a combat unit, or should I just go balls to the walls daemons for 2000 points? Any thoughts or opinions?


thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it will become an entertaining and insightful read on what not to do.

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I'd get those 20 Tzaangor, but just paint a couple at a time in between burning chariots and hordes of horrors. The Tzaangor models are lovely, but they've got character-levels of detail, so they can be annoying to try and speed paint. 

Alternatively, it sounds like a Lord of Change might be a good next purchase for you - not sure how that works points-wise with what you've already got though.

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So had the game of triumph and treachery last night. What a blast! Great fun with four awesome friends.


The key thing I take away from this game is- don't forget your destiny dice!  I blame it on the fact that I had written the results in a book instead of having dice on the table top due to space restrictions. I forgot a save roll that would have possibly kept my general alive and also I had 3 1s and forgot to regrow my pink horrors. Sigh, don't forget your destiny dice.


So the armies on display where 2 skaven, seraphon, flesheaters and my daemons.


we were playing the artifact battle so it was a slog for the centre. 


I was was next to a skaven horde which included 40 storm vermin the flesh eaters with two terrorgheists and opposite the seraphon who decided they hated daemons, so in short not in a good place. 

I won the roll off for first turn, had 40 storm vermin just face my flank to let me know they were there,  some seraphon barrelling over a hill at me and some undead sitting back to watch the show. 


Not it a single casualty had been caused so far, magic phase and tzeentch firestorm killed a unit of 10 ghouls. Yay.


next turn and the terrorgheists come barrelling into my general and kill him. Sad face. Also take my pink horrors down to 4 models (I forgot to use my destiny dice).


suddenly though the skaven turned on each other which opened the game up. People eased off me and started trying to crush the rats. The result was that I managed to burn to death a skaven warlord! Yay!


the player was a. It put out by this though and his 40 stormvermin killed all my daemons.


a terrorgheist jumped onto the artifact right at the end to secure the win. Despite having no models left at the end I was second.


i really recommend people try out triumph and treachery, we had a blast. 










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