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Starting Death


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So ladies and gets, after selling my Ironjawz (didnt like the pure just go straight and fight and my local meta is 4x Tzeentch, 6x Sylvaneth and I also have a BCR army) I've turned my attention to death. Because it's the second cool thing in AoS.

I'll like to start at 1k - 1.2k (both for small tournaments / local campaign) and then up to 2k points window.

I seriously have no leanings toward any type of death. There can be ghosts, vampires, zombies.

Any ideas where to go?

I don't want another Ironjawz, give me something spicy! I wan't some magic, some cunning tactits etc

Also, Nagash is still a very bad purchase for 2k points?

I know GH2017 is almost here, but with all those leaks we can make a safe bet.

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34 minutes ago, RoyalDachshund said:

So basicly Start Collecting, assemble Manfred and buy few boxes of skellies/ghouls?

Get a few units of skeletons (max), unit of graveguard, and unit of black knights, wight king, and grab a Necromancer + one of the Deathlords as an "ally" for the new system in GHB2.  You can have a unit of 40 skeletons doing 320 attacks (Vanhel's + Command ability) per turn.

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5 minutes ago, RoyalDachshund said:

Sounds good but for now I'm aiming 1k-1.2k points and there will be 200 (maybe?) points for allies, 400 is for 2000 points.


Well, there's only set rules for 1000/2000/2500 so in-between is up to you and your buddies.  If you only want 1000, then don't bother with a Deathlord.  At 1000pts you could still run the Legion of Death battalion with a Necromancer for a 2 drop list, which also gives you the benefit of free movement in hero phase, and more regen capabilities.  Up to you.

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