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Hello, first post actually ^^.

Played AOS since release but never really competitive. I want to go to some tournaments in the next few months, but it seems i lack a lot of good units for Disciples of Tzeentch or Khorne Bloodbound, although i think my collection isn't the smallest.


Maybe my collection justs sucks and i shouldn't focus on one faction? I always played all 4 gods or most of the time two (i really like tzeentch and nurgle).

My question is, is it possible to make a good mixed chaos army with the figures i have for 1000- 1500 point games?

Here is my collection:

Khorne (lots of bloodbound and some daemons)

60 Bloodreavers (blades)
20 Bloodwarriors (gorefist and axe)
2 Bloodsecrators
2 Slaughterpriests
1 Exalted Deathbringer
1 Aspiring Deathbringer
1 Skullgrinder
1 Bloodstoker
1 Mighty Lord of Khorne
3 Korgoraths
30 Fleshhounds
3 Bloodthirster (2x Insensate Rage, 1x Unfettered Fury)
10 Bloodletters
3 Bloodcrushers

Tzeentch (daemons and some arcanites)

18 Screamers
12 Flamers of Tzeentch
30 Pink Horrors
1 Blue Scribes
1 Herald of Tzeentch
2 Ogroid Thaumaturge
1 Gaunt Summoner
1 old Kairos
1 old Lord of Change

Nurgle (daemons and some mortals)

60 Plaguebearers
9 Plaguedrones
3 Beasts of Nurgle
5 Blightkings
1 Glottkin
2 Heralds of Nurgle
2 Great Unclean One
12 Nurglings

Slannesh (very few figures)

20 Daemonettes

Undivided or Generic Chaos

1 Gorebeast Chariot
5 Chaos Knights (Glaives)
10 Chaos Warriors (Shield and Sword)
1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord
1 Archaon (big 700 points dude)
3 Varanguard (Daemonblades)
1 Belakor
8 Daemonprinces
20 Chaos Warhounds
1 Crom the Conquerer

Skaven (only a few)

12 Gutterrunners
12 Stormvermin
1 Assassin

That's all i have from my chaos alliance and i hope i can build a decent force with them.

Thought about making something like that on 1000 points:

Allegiance: Chaos

Be'Lakor, Chaos Daemon Prince (240)
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140)
- Runestaff
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

10 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (100)
10 x Chaos Warriors (180)
- General
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Hand Weapon & Shield
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
- Mortal Nurgle Battleline

10 x Gutter Runners (120)

Total: 960/1000

The army don't hit very hard, but hopefully can take a decent amount of damage. Chaoswarriors are in front to eat the damage besides the plaguebearers. Putrid Blightkings and Belakor dealing the damage. The Gutterrunners can attack lonely heros, wizards or kill warmachine crew or take an objective that's further away. The Sorcerer Lord buffs my Warriors with Mystical Shield and can use his trait on them or Belakor.


Here is also my Disciples of Tzeentch army for comparison, but i think it's kinda bad =(.


Allegiance: Tzeentch

Daemon Prince Of Tzeentch (160)
- General
- Trait: Incorporeal Form
- Artefact: Phantasmal Weapons
- Lore of Change: Arcane Transformation
Gaunt Summoner (100)
- Lore of Fate: Shield of Fate
Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
- Lore of Fate: Treacherous Bond

10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (140)
- Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (140)
- Lore of Change: Fold Reality

6 x Screamers Of Tzeentch (280)

Total: 980/1000


Really looking forward for some help, as i have no idea what to do =(.

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Thank you for your help =). Sry for posting so late, but there was a really strong storm outside and the electricity felt out;).

I have no particular playstyle, but if i had to choose i would go the smash Face route with some magic. =)


But a lot of small units seem interesting also^^.

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Look into fatesworn in the everchosen faction. You can run it with slaves to darkness and still take Destiny dice and the items from dicisples of tzeentch.


Hmm but with your models...

You're best going khorne, check out Gore pilgrims.


I happen to make a list the other  night which might suit for you. 

Check out the blades of khorne book for items, prayers and the blood tithe.






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Thank you for the armylist.

Will it make a big difference if i don't have Glaives on the Bloodwarriors or Meatripper Axes on my Bloodreavers?


Also how do i scale it down to a 1000 points as the tournament is 1000 points^^. Should i go only Bloodbound with Gore Pilgrims?

Were the other 2 lists bad i posted in my opening post?

Should i maybe go Nurgle, as they are kind of resilient and so i can play the objective game, rather then try to smash stuff?

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Thx for putting so much time into building lists for me =).

Unfortunately i lack half of the models and to buy and build them in one day will be kinda hard XD. (would be 20 letters, valkia, 5 skullreapers).


I also posted my thread on dakka and they suggested i should play Archeon (big) + some reavers or horrors (if going diciples). What do you think of that idea?


I also made mixed Nurgle army:

Allegiance: Chaos

Be'Lakor, Chaos Daemon Prince (240)
Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140)
- Runestaff
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

10 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (100)
10 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (100)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
- Mortal Nurgle Battleline
10 x Chaos Warriors (180)
- General
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Hand Weapon & Shield
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Total: 1000/1000


It's exactly 1000 points. Have no real punchy units, and only 2 Heros (could be a disadvantage when playing 3 places of power). But the army looks, as it could really take a punch and play the objective game.

Gutter Runners are there for attacking lone heros or wizards or some warmachines^^. The Plaguebearers and the Warriors can tank a lot of units and the blightkings can kill weak horde units.


What do you think about my list? If it's ****** then i will go the easy route and play Gore Pilgrims (even i don't like them that much).



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