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Speculation - AoS Talisman?

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GW has another article up on their new Talisman release: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/24/talisman-returns-for-christmas/

Though the article uses the Black Library/FFG 4th edition art...I'm not so sure GW needs to release a generic fantasy version of Talisman this close to the vast and comprehensive FFG edition. I'm sure plenty of Talisman fans have their fill. They would need something new...a twist...and I think AoS is a great match:

* The Talisman itself is the sort of high fantasy mcguffin that one would expect to find in the AoS. Blasphemy, but they could even replace the Talisman with Ghal Maraz...have the players searching the Mortal Realms for Sigmar's Hammer.
* The classic Talisman board, with its inner, outer, and corner boards is already the perfect layout for the different themed AoS realms (Azyr, Ghur, etc)
* Bad guys as player characters has been a set precedence with Silver Tower.
* I can see them adding WD characters for existing WHQ and AoS minis.
* I'd get a kick if they even mention that Talisman Apoclypse thing in the fluff both in reference to the former FFG title and the demise of the Old World as well.

Looking at the total package, AoS may actually be the most suitable setting Talisman has ever been set in.

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