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Tzeentch Centrepiece

Tzaangor Management

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Quick update: 

Think the Warshrine won't work for me at present, as the Tzaangors do not have the MORTAL keyword and the Marauders are there to either screen and die, or sit on objectives, so seems like a large investment of points without the full benefit. I do like it though and if I go the more StD route, I could see myself picking one up.

I'm leaning towards the Mutalith at the moment, as I'm likely to have a bunch of spell casters anyway, so having even more mortal wound potential and a bit of combat threat seems like it could be a winner. A cheap one on eBay might make me pull the trigger, but otherwise I'll likely wait and see whether points changes impact my decision at all.

Good discussion though and a lot of undiscovered, at least for me, gems coming to the fore!

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I have and would recommend the mutalith. The model is amazing and has a lot to try you hand at painting (flesh, carapace, horns and tentacles).  It's nice and big, so stands out above your other units (especially if you went with bright and/warm colours for the vortex; the bright fiery spot is great contrast in a dark and blue army).

Rules wise it is less impressive, still a decent monster for the points though. If you want a stompy ****** that MURDERS, then not so much. If you want something that looks cool and is a decent addition to add to your army, but isn't a huge investment; the mutalith is your beast.

If you want the centre piece to also be your general, then the manticore (or Archaon).

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On 7/6/2017 at 9:06 PM, Soulsmith said:

I would suggest converting your own Archaon on horseback, using the Lord Aquilor and parts from the varanguard. Seen them before, including on here, and they look fantastic.

Can you find a picture somewhere? Google and site search aren't pulling up anything for me...

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