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Behold the Neverending Host



Deep within the Whispering Shadow Mountains lies the Cavern of Eternal Rebirth. It's secrets hide far from the prying eyes of beings great or small and, from crystalline depths, hordes pour forth through realmgates to spread chaos across the worlds. 
Not only mortals threaten all they encounter. The curtain that holds back the Realm of Chaos is thin here, perhaps thinner than any other place. Daemons of types innumerable join the ranks of the five Gods they serve, spreading their joyous bile, change, blood, treachery and pleasure. 
The floor of the cavern lies close to the magma that sits beneath, intolerable heat seeping up to bathe its denizens. They themselves, of all Gods and none, share one common trait. Their skin is as red as the lava below.
Constant war takes place between the factions of the orders of chaos. The floor is strewn with their broken trophies from rivals and sallies into the mortal realms. But perhaps the darkest secret of the cavern is that every time a warrior or daemon meets its demise, another will grow from the deepest recesses of the magma pools. Is this the very foundation of chaos itself?
This is the foundation of my project that will probably take several years to come to fruition; if indeed it ever does. Each set of servants of the chaos Gods will have a section of the cavern that will take up a two by two tile. The idea is to create an entire gaming board with armies to match. Each part will reflect the nature of the God they worship. 
My starting point is to use a Slaves to Darkness force that can fit into any of the separate forces, hence the unifying red skin and armour developed from the stuff of the cavern itself. It will begin by joining with a Tzeench force being developed for the summer campaign at my club, the Pompey Pirates. First step 500 points.
A massive undertaking which will probably, in honour of Tzeench, change as I go along. But who wants to think small and besides, I will end up with several armies to play games with. The new skirmish system I have heard about will be my friend with this too, with small bands roving the depths and issuing forth.
Twitter @ugluk1974
Neverending Horrors pour forth....
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