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Xemm Minis

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Orruk Brutes Showcase!




Hi everyone!


Just uploaded a video showcase for my freshly painted brutes for my Ironjawz force for age of sigmar.

I’m trying to give my army a distinct look and feel and so far I’m really happy with the results, overall the scheme is pretty quick and super satisfying to do and I feel I have achieved what I am trying to with these guys.


I feel this scheme is suitably dirty and grungy for my own view of Orruks, they are by no means perfect but I think for table-top they will do the trick!

As always C&C are very welcome and I hope you guys enjoy the video and thanks for taking the time to take a look!

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Recommended Comments

Those Brutes look great. Awesome video.

A suggestion, if I may, you should test out lowering the volume of the background music in your next video. While there weren't any times where it drowned out your voice, it was loud enough to be distracting. As for the army, I'd love to see some edge highlights on your straps. I think it would help make them pop a little more.

Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

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On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 2:36 AM, mrstimpson38 said:

Those Brutes look great. Awesome video.

A suggestion, if I may, you should test out lowering the volume of the background music in your next video. While there weren't any times where it drowned out your voice, it was loud enough to be distracting. As for the army, I'd love to see some edge highlights on your straps. I think it would help make them pop a little more.

Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

Thanks,  for me edge highlighting isn't really my style I always feel its too harsh and I tend to prefer a smoother more natural blend and I'm happy with the straps, but this is definitely just my personal style :)


On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 1:38 PM, Shrapnelsmile said:

Rusted armor is excellent.  A refreshing change of pace from the squeaky clean styles so common upon release.  Let's see some big stuff next!

Really glad you like it, I will get around to the maw-krusha one day haha

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