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Twisted Firaun



For our second interview, we have another long-term user from TGA, Twisted Firaun!

 1 - Where are you from?

I was born in Iowa City, Iowa, but have primarily lived in the city of Chicago and its surrounding suburbs

2 - When did you start to have contact with the hobby?

Around 2015/2016, when I picked up the Mechanicus duoulogy at a Barnes and noble.

3 - What kind of hobbyist are you?

I build, paint, kitbash, and collect multiple armies and try to tie them together with a story

4 - Which GW games have you played/ collected?

Age of Sigmar (including underworlds and Warcry), 40K, Necromunda, Heresy, and now TOW

5 - Which GW games do you play/ collect actually?

See question 4

6 - How many armies do you have? (Include points count if you know it!)

Roughly 4-7.

7 - Which one is your favourite army?

Tomb Kings, followed by Chaos Knights.

8 - What is your favourite character?


9 - What is your favourite miniature?

Chaos Knight Abominant or the Necrolouth Bone Dragon

10 - What is your favourite AoS narrative?

Malign Omens, since it actually mattered what the fans chose

11 - Can you show us the miniature that you are more proud of?

I cannot, since it’s still a work in progress

12 - How did you find out about TGA?

I typed in Warhammer rumours one day and got sent here

13 - What is your favourite TGA thread?

The Rumour Thread

Is there anything else you want to add?

Have a good day

By long lost Nehekhara, what a passionate hobbyist. I hope we can see that masterpiece he is painting currently.

Good luck with all your projects!

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@Ejecutor,you have asked and now I shall answer, behold The Mournful Tyrant of Sacramental Delirium Arkhanatem and his Grand Hierophant Seleim-Hotep. These two brothers in undeath rule over the Three Underworlds known as The Tomb of The Great Jackal, and are currently marshaling their forces for an assault on Hysh in the name of Neferata and Nagash.D6630C18-B346-4A7E-8490-6ADF597356B7.jpeg.d4705d60ab51b1f419d2acf3fe898186.jpeg58D0D24D-E0D7-48E2-BC93-DE06CDE506F0.jpeg.ed0ba3f656d9567eec452c80cd6301c3.jpeg9C9E7060-5C01-4CAA-848C-3316C95945DF.jpeg.eaa8eebd742e1efcc447c6bb7355005d.jpeg

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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