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Undercoat merriment



Managed to get everything undercoated with Leadbelcher. Used a rattle can for this. Know they get a lot of stick online at times but I've never had an issue with Citadel sprays. Suppose I'm fortunate to live in a place that, despite the rain, is pretty ideal for them. One thing did annoy me in this step. For each model, I will dust them off using a soft brush prior to spraying. I used to have a dog and it's become force of habit - I've painted far too many dog hairs onto my minis in my time! I dusted all of these models and when it came to Yndrasta I did exactly the same. I was super confident she was good to go so stepped outside and sprayed. I noticed afterwards however, that from the time it took to dust to spray, a random hair had landed on her - super annoying! Out came the tweezers to get the rogue hair off her. Took a while but think she's OK now. 




Edited by lare2

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Had a good look at each model. Man, the detail on the Lord Relictor is gonna drive me nuts. Much prefer the simplicity of the thunderstrike stuff. 

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It wasn’t too difficult to paint, just remember drybrushing the bone before the armor plates then clean up with the highlights.  Having done an army of iron warriors before is what really gave the muscle memory for trim.  Though I will say the Stormcasts have nothing on Tzaangors with their tiny trim.

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18 hours ago, Gorthor21 said:

It wasn’t too difficult to paint, just remember drybrushing the bone before the armor plates then clean up with the highlights.  Having done an army of iron warriors before is what really gave the muscle memory for trim.  Though I will say the Stormcasts have nothing on Tzaangors with their tiny trim.

Thanks for the pointers! Only just seen this and already painted the armour 😭

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