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First project on the blog

Darth Alec


I'm skipping the introduction for now. Many of you may know me already. If not, I'm a Norwegian guy, I wrote the Battletome: The End Times and I'm a mod right here on TGA!




First up on the block are my 10 skeletons. Nothing impressive, really. It's the start of a 40-bone unit, so I wanted it to be quick and efficient. Bases aren't done, but otherwise I'm calling them finished for now.





Next up is a WIP. Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood! I'm going to add all three to my army eventually, so I needed them to have unique poses. I've tried to capture a regal cat-like pose. She used to have a cat back before the world blew up, so I thought it fitting. Quite pleased with this one. Going to paint each monster differently as well. She'll get a pale marble monster, which I hope will make her feel even more aristocratic.




That's it for my first post. Nothing much, but I've got so much in the works. Can't be sitting around writing blog posts all day!

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Both yes and no. It was a fair bit of reposing on the feet. Nothing really complex, but it required a bit of cutting off toes and such. And the front legs needed to be lengthened quite a bit. Hence the leg armour. I've done a lot of stuff like this though, so it wasn't so hard. Just had to be careful and have a reasonable idea of what the final result was going to be.

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