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01/27/2019 - 750 MPP Seraphon vs Wanderers

Wilhelm Stürmer


750pt Battle Report:

So, once again I made some critical mistakes in the battle. We know each others army composition going in and turns 1 - 3 basically ended up with my opponent turtling and me positioning Skinks and the Starpriest in what I thought could be useful positions. I even successfully cast the Palisade to allow for an advance on his turtling army. In these turns, I lost 2 Skinks from the unit of 20 and (not surprisingly) did no damage with the Bolt-spitters.

Beginning of Turn 4, I decided to attack. It was obvious that he would not be deploying his forces. Here's where the mistakes happened: I rolled a 4 on LoS&T to move the unit of 18 Skinks to 9" away from the left side of his forces, but completely forgot to buff them with Celestial Rites and Summon Starlight beforehand; Mistake 1

Mistake 2: I brought in the Ripperdactyls and made sure to declare they made a swooping dive... to fight the Kurinoth Hunters. Why, you might ask, was this a mistake? Because they have an ability that they can declare when charged that allows them to re-roll ALL Save rolls. So of the 30 wounds I made (more than twice needed to kill the unit), only 8 got through, leaving 2 of 3 models still on the board.

Mistake 3: At this point all my Skinks were in LoS to shoot. I even remarked about it... THEN I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO SHOOT and went into charge phase.

Mistake 4: I completely forgot that the Starpriest had Gryph-feather charm thoughout the game. No additional movement or hit roll modifiers applied.

Mistake 5: I poorly positioned my Starpriest in an effort to keep him in cover, such that I was unable to utilize The Trap is Sprung.

The rest of the game is not really worth mentioning. He easily tabled me in his Turn 4. Arrows that blot out the sun will do that. To some degree, Mistakes 3 & 4 were irrelevant. In Turn 4, I MIGHT have been able to get some damage through and plinked a couple Sisters of the Watch or Glade Guard, but it wouldn't have made that much of a difference. And by the time my Starpriest would have been able to utilize the Artefact, the rest of the army would have been decimated.

Mistakes 2 & 5 though, were big. We discussed it afterwards, and I should have brought the Rippers in on one or both of the archer units, while using the teleported Skink unit to tarpit the Kurnoth and maybe an archer unit. The outcome of that fight would likely have seen me in a much better place by the end of turn 4. Also, not having The Trap is Sprung in play definitely helped his survivability.

Hopefully, hindsight will educate me. I'm definitely still a novice at playing Seraphon and have a real knack for forgetting important spells and abilities. Even with my cheat sheets. I need to improve on this or I'll keep making mistakes that will cost me games. Fortuantely, 1000 points and on will be objective based. I'm planning to bring this same army, adding a Slann and substituting Quicksliver Swords for the Palisade.

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