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Intro and first minis



I've quickly amassed a pile of miniatures for AOS so need a blog to motivate and showcase them all. I'm not a gamer but I've sculpted and painted for well over 20 years now. 

This collection will be small  warbands with a variety of allies tied together with certain themes and campaigns in mind. I have a collection of art books for magic the gathering which I'm using as inspiration for my colour schemes - no dark and dirty Blanchitsu stuff, this will be clean and colourful work... with the odd mud and blood splatter. 

To show you what I mean, here's my first Stormcast miniatures. Bases need some autumn foliage but they are pretty much finished. Next up, some Wildwood ranger allies and Stormcasts with big two handed mauls.

These were quite labour intensive miniatures to paint but I'm happy with the end result. I did the base first so not to make a mess of the figures legs or robes. I like simple wet blending with bright colours which you can see with the blue and white here.

The base theme for this warband is something akin to the realm of death, haunted ruined look. With brown leaves and dead grass (still to be added). I sculpted a few additional leaves here and there.




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Amazing results ! May I ask how did you achieve such smooth and beautiful white color ? Overall stunning miniatures, looking forward to more !

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Thanks. The white was simply 3-4 thin coats of Ulthuan Grey, highlighted with a couple of very thin coats of ceramite white. To finish off, a very fine line of Celestra Grey in the deep recesses to provide the shadow.

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