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Before/After shots



I think it's always fun to look back over time and see how your hobby has progressed with practice, learning new techniques... and the influence of Duncan videos! With the most recent batch of pictures I took, I found some efforts from about seven years ago.

To put this in perspective, I didn't progress beyond this stage until about 18 months ago (when I watched my first Duncan video to tackle Archaon) - and since then I've painted regularly. But the change between early and recent is quite significant, and I believe that anybody can achieve these results with time, patience, techniques and practice.

Here's the first one - a before/after of a good old Dryad.





Obviously, the key point here is just that the old picture is base coat only - but then I had no idea about washes, or highlights. I think the skeleton was a dark grey base with a light grey over the top to achieve the dark recess.

It's interesting that you can barely make out any detail on the old model - hardly even see the face, or any real shape to the body.

So the use of highlights and zenithal lighting style (ie top-down light source given more prominence) definitely helps here.





The next one is probably even more stark. A Glade Guard - recently painted since GHB2017 (and painted over the old 'colour scheme') as they may become interesting for allies.




Similar to the Dryad, all I had in the old days were about 10-12 paints, and no understanding of how to bring out the detail of a model.

I had three units of 10 Glade Guard, and they were all green/brown, with red, yellow or blue hoods to differentiate the units.


I think I'll enjoy painting over all that old stuff... but nice to have a record of how it's changed.




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