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Complete: Dryads



This is probably my favourite shot - I feel like facing this bunch would be pretty scary...


The recipe for these dryads was pretty straightforward. After priming, the bulk of it is the wood, and if you do this before anything else you can be quick and messy.

Dryad Bark all over (except for the loin cloths, skeleton, etc), then Baneblade Brown on any surfaces that would catch light from above (zenithal lighting). Then a highlight of Karak Stone on the lightest/sharpest edges. Then a wash of Agrax Earthshade all over; then a highlight of Rakarth Flesh. And to catch the light and really bring out the forms, a super-light highlight of Stormhost Silver sparingly.

The eyes are just Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet and a glaze of Bloodletter.

The greens (leaves/loincloths and also the same recipe for drybrushing the base) is Castellan Green followed by Loren Forest working outwards. Then highlights of Elysian Green followed by Ogryn Camo. And finally a glaze of Lamenters Yellow really changes the last highlight (Ogryn Camo) and makes it really fresh.

That's about it - it's possible to paint the whole unit to a decent standard in just a few hours in this way, with only a bit of extra time for details on stones/skeletons, etc.


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