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A blog by Canned Brains

Entries in this blog

Second week's progress on the army...

Once I had the bases down I needed to start coming up with a color scheme for my army. I wanted to go pale and more ghostly at first but then after browsing around online as well as trying out a couple test models I came up with this general look:   You might ask yourself where I came up with that scheme? I would love to pass on a great video that inspired me to give it a try, I took this video as my starting point down the path of creating a color scheme for the army:  



First week's progress on the army...

I was lucky to have a few days off work... So I set off on a bid to try and get most of the mundane items finished. I've included some of the various shots of progress through those days (No Particular order):   I have to say that after the first week I was quite happy with my progress, getting the mundane stuff out of the way helped push me forward and ahead. I was now itching to try and get some of the models paint



Basing the Horde...

The first thing that I needed to do was figure out the right basing technique for my army, I wanted something out of my comfort zone and that would add to the overall presentation of the army. So off to YouTube I went in hopes to find some ideas. One video that caught my eye was: I wanted to do something like that but wasn't sure if I could pull it off. I watched the video a few times then went off to Home Depot to pick up some wood filler and the necessary dyes.   Here



Preparing the Horde...

Hi! This is my first blog ever... I am hoping it'll be interesting, informative, and also might inspire one or two people. I am going to document out my very first large project. Preparing the Army (What I ended picking up): 2 older boxes of Crypt Ghouls (10 in a set) 1 box of Crypt Horrors 2 boxes of the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host Flesh-Eater Courts Battletomb Some random bits of information: Took me about 3-4 days to clip, clean, and put to



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