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About this blog

This blog will be a story about building out my Blades of Khorne Army in 2020. It will follow the narrative of Khorgos Khul and how he deals with various threats to his ever growing ravaging horde. I will be posting on a weekly basis of models I am working on and various battles in a narrative fashion. Hope you all enjoy. 


Entries in this blog

Chapter 2 - The Skullgrinder

Clang...... clang........ clang went the hammer on the boiling bloodforge of Khorne. Red lacquered armor was being constructed by the Skullgrinder known as Kranar Bloodhammer.  His Brass Anvil, glowing red with the incandescent rage of the blood god Khorne, produced some of the finest armor in the realms. "Kranar, you have been summoned by Khul!" shouted a voice through the dense smoke of the forge. Kranar slowly dropped his hammer and looked back, in a low gravely voice he responded, "Tell him



Chapter 1 - The Gathering

The blood red sky drenches a desolate span of the Scarlands.  Khorgos Khul, the mighty lord of the Goretide has caught wind of the rise of the Ossiarch Bone Reapers of the Black Pyramid. At this time he gathers his lieutenants around the Dreadhold to discuss how they will destroy this menace. "There is only one lord of Skulls" Khul decries. "Where is Kranar Bloodhammer my trusted Skullgrinder, we must start the forges of war!"  This week I will be working on painting Kranar Bloodhammer a Sk



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