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I need help to build a competitive list for ME


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Bonesplitterz 1000 points list for ME

Hi everybody, I'll play a 1000 points tournament (meeting engagement) in october. I've two ideas:    Clan: Drakkfoot Savage big boss 100 Burnin' Tattoo Wardokk 80 Breath of gorkamorka Wardokk 80 Brutal Beast spirit Maniak weirdnob 120 Mork's Boney Bitz 20 arrowboyz 240 20 arrowboyz 240 Kunnin' rukk 140 Tot 1000pt I want to use arrowboyz to stab* enemies from big distances**.  I noticed that in ME Melee figths works well..

Cosimo Calvelli

Cosimo Calvelli

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