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Ghoul King

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Vindex von Pax, a knight of Geldarai Kingdom journeys to Ghyran to find his missing King. But his duty as a knight draws him into protecting a rural village known as Mastigo. 

Entries in this blog

Project Cut.

This project is being cut early, it was an experiment for first-person writing. At the same time, I've been watching old movies, reading old books and trying to craft a story I am happy with. Each chapter of this story, my EC story(if you read it on dakka or BACS) and my own personal writing I feel that I am missing something important. But after doing a bit of research, examining how directors and writers craft their own stories I will be attempting a new writing project. I am deeply sorry to t



Chapter 3

The beasts were being burnt at the stake, the middle of town now smelt like burnt flesh and smog. The holy work enacted within the town was both swift and merciless, many resisted, they were utterly consumed by the lies of the false priest. I found that fact unfortunate, but as a follower of the Golden God my heart must be still, it cannot be swayed by the cries of those who do not wish to see.      Looking around, the townspeople were consumed by the sight of the bonfire. Many were crying bec



Chapter 2

It was nice journeying with someone, even though I was carrying Livia’s brother on my back. The young man’s face was buried into my shoulder, he was too exhausted to walk or speak but he was alive that was what counted. As we walked Livia told me of her home called Mastigo, it was a small town, most would consider it a village. But they were one of the many suppliers of food to the Greywater Fastness. Since the grand industrial city ground down most of it’s surrounding plant life they turned to



Chapter 1

Ulgu eclipsed all of Ghyran, the night air was vibrant and was tinted with the smell of flowers. The multi-coloured plants bristled at the frayed edges of my robe as I walked down the path.       The night air caused me to become lost in thought, my mind drifted to the number of days I have walked the mortal realms. At times I feel that I have lived long, too long sometimes but such were the gifts of the Golden God. I was chosen, by King Ushroan. I remember those days when I first sat at his t



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