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A blog about my orchestra-themed Slaanesh.

Entries in this blog

Dreshnosa and Ezkha, the Contorted Epitome

95% complete, with the glazing on the mirror and the gems undone. See my entry on the Keeper of Secrets for an explanation on that. Dreshnosa and Ezkha play the Guzheng as a pair, the pentatonic scale a unique counterpoint to the rest of the polyphonic sounds of the rest of the Symphony. To be honest, I originally wanted to mount the Guzheng across their knees, as seen in Kung Fu Hustle with the two blind harpists. Unfortunately, that plan didn't work out, so I had to go with it on the



Lormora the Lascivious, Keeper of Secrets at 80% completion.

My Keeper of Secrets is around 80-85% complete. Weapons aren't fully done. Gems aren't done because I don't have the gem paints (local shop has a $5 for unlimited access to paints for a day deal, so I'm finishing every model that wants gems painted before I get them done to get my money's worth), but the left hand is fully magnetised for whip/hand/dagger/shield and the right hand is magnetised for spear/sword. The head is also magnetised, with the ponytail head being in two parts so it can



Small update

Pictured: Conductor angrily gestures for harp solo to be louder. (1924, colourised)



Symphony of Pain part 1

I'm starting work on some musically-themed Slaanesh, having been struck by how similar the Daemon Prince's pose looks to how my old conductor used to stand right before a piece started, combined of course with the fact that Slaanesh has the Infernal Enrapturess. So I built the Daemon Prince a podium and stand (pictures are before priming, will upload part 2 once I've painted) as well as a booklet with his score (unfortunately I don't have enough fine control to paint the scores onto the pag



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