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About this blog

Project dedicated to building and painting  Khorne Bloodbound Warhorde. Bloodbound were my first AoS army and one that rekindled my interest in the fantasy warhammer range, back then I was into gaming over the other side of the hobby. Now with less time to play and a little time to paint I am focusing on getting the force fully painted.

The Bloodbound Warhorde will be based upon building up one of each  of the battalions in the 2017 Blades of Khorne Battletome. I am trying to follow the rule that no unit will be played until it’s painted.

The primary goal for me is to be able to field a variety of different lists at 2k points.

Entries in this blog

Slaughterborn - part 1

The first part of this project I am going to work towards is the Slaughterborn Batallion. Sub-Project breakdown Each battalion sub-project will consist of four stages. The first stage is the minimum size battalion, which is the minimum number of units/models required to take the battalion warscroll. The second stage is a 1k list built around the battalion, this will have two variations the first using the battalion warscroll and the other adding extra models from and running without th



Leaving a Mark, battalion identification

When I play a game on the tabletop a minor issue that always gets to me is when two identical units end up in a combat and then everyone has to try to work out which models are part of unit A and which are part of unit B. My way to work around this at unit level is to add a distinct variation to each units models such as having a shoulder pad, plume or hilt a specific colour. This works well for a quick head count. In the bigger picture I find the same issue reoccurs at a larger scale where



Fighting at the frontiers of Chamon

With AoS 2.0 I really enjoy how the realms are coming to life, with more description and even bonus rules. Because of this with each army I start work on I try to pick a realm and base them accordingly. I put most of the realm representation in the basing of the army. I have a bigger picture idea working up to ArchAeon and the Everchosen where I want each of the non-daemon chaos allegiance factions based on being from a distinct realm, from each other,  and the daemon side to be the same re



The first of many to come, the Test Model

For me doing any army the first step has to be to do a scheme test model, usually a character. For this army I picked the Exalted Deathbringer which seemed to be a great choice, the first think I love about the model (the spear one) is that the weapon does not block access to the chest of the model, secondly he wears armour which is a mix of what a lot of other units wear so is a good reference model when rolling out the scheme and finally there are only two exalted Deathbringers in the ‘Super-B



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