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About this blog

Hello all, I'm a relative new comer to AoS. As of October 2018 I have been playing frequently for about 2 and a half months. Story and setting are what really brought me into the hobby and has kept me here. I just had my first battle in any kind of competitive play setting in an escalation league at my FLGS and I had such a blast yesterday evening I sat down when I got home and wrote a theatrical description of the battle, a battle report if you will. I decided to try and do this for the games I have the most fun with and any games in a tournament/ league setting. I hope you enjoy my tales of a city in the realm of Shadow and the various factions and individuals who contribute to that cities tales. Whether it's the confederation of Celestial Vindicator chambers known as the Darkstars or a shadowy faction of Daughters of Khaine or a renowed Freeguild mercenary company I hope you enjoy their stories.

Entries in this blog

Escalation League 1, Game 1: Heated Passions and Cool Heads

Today… battle was joined in the realm of Aqshy. In the Kindlerock Badlands where the scorching air is so hot it threatens to extinguish the life of those who breathe too deeply of that arcane atmosphere, two unlikely foes found themselves drawn into tragic conflict. The dutiful Slann of the Seraphon foresaw calamity in the stars when they looked into the future and witnessed Chaos worshiping cultists hidden among a caravan that would one day bring ruination to the bastions of the Heavens. The ca

Black Blade

Black Blade

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