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About this blog

I have been inspired recently to build an army based around everyone's favorite Champion of Khorne turned Wight King. 

So far I have 40 Chaos Warriors and 10 Chaos Knights and a Chaos Sorcerer that I plan to do some simple converting into Grave Guard, Black Knights, and a Liche/Necromancer of Krell's Doomed Legion

Plans next are, but are not limited to:

a Chaos Warshrine tunred Mortis Engine

Thunderwolf mounted Blood Knights of Ghur 

Wulfrik the Wanderer turned Wight King with Tomb Blade and Shield

Entries in this blog

AoS Videogame ideas

It doesn't seem fair to me that 40k and Fantasy Battles get all the video games. If you were to make an AoS video game what would it be like? I think a Dragon Age style game with the Order of Azyr would be fun. Or a Dynasty Warriors hack and slash style game.  



A bit of background fluff chapter 1

As the Kastellan drew closer his witch sight began to make out the arcane warding that pervaded the place, and had sealed the ancient tomb shut. There was the symbol of rest. There the glyph of containment. Nine runes of binding glowed faintly around the dais that the tomb rested upon. Senechal Konstantine reached out to the traces of magic, seeking to discover their creator. The weaving of magic was subtle, but had an unmistakable flair. Their author was not a humble spell we



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