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Rhyran forest realm of the Realm of Ghyran that was withered by the Plague Legions of Bolathrax.

Cut off from Tyrion and Malerion by Nurgle's presence, Nagash was eager to take the souls of the dying Alves but something wasn't quite right, though they had been reanimated they still retained their own minds, Still seeing themselves as the wardens of the woods they set out to fight back the tide of evil.

Undead Woodelves, played as a Death army, trying to Convert and Kitbash my way to something that looks nice and plays well.

Entries in this blog

And so it Begins

I have been piecing together some units whilst playing Path of Glory at my LGS, so far so good, my spare skeletons seem to mesh well with the old Glade Guard models. I wanted a Necromancer and the Wayfinder just had that look about him, i removed his bow and quiver, fitted him with a spare banner pole that has been trimmed down and i will be adding some skulls and extra fetishes to complete the look. Blood Knights are being represented by Sisters of the Thorn with Wild R



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