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Building up a force of Ironjawz from the Twilight Tundra of Ulgu

Entries in this blog

Surlak's mob

"Oi, whot's 'ee talkin' 'bout now?" Grushnak looked up at the distant figure of Da Whisper. Like usual, the shaman was twitching and staring off into the realmgate that formed the basis of the Snowboyz' camp. He would occasionally mumble something that was dutifully repeated and shouted across by Zig'rut. "Not sure, boss. Sumfink about beasts." Surlak frowned, then coughed up a wad of phlegm and spit it out a good twelve paces. Not his personal best, but respectable. With a satisf



Surlak's mob

Basic shade and highlighting on the first of Surlak's Mob of Brutes. I'm not entirely happy with the highlights on the armor, but it'll suffice for tabletop quality.



Trukka's Flattenerz

Trukka is a hoary old chieftan who is a bit too old to really be more than surly about having to follow Da Whisper’s ravings. Although he’s getting on in years, he’s more than capable of putting the stomp on any who would challenge his authority. And getting to run down poor ****** is also fun.



Starting the Snowboyz

Ever since the announcement of AoS 2.0, I've been getting the Snowboyz ready to follow their mad prophet to a right good scrap. The plan is to paint them up with primarily pale grey armor and to put snow effects on all the bases. We'll see if the white basecoat drives me crazy.



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