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About this blog

Once upon a time, I had a podcast called Noobhammer. R.I.P. So now I'm going to try my hand at blogging because I like having creative outlets. Come see my progress in the Age of Sigmar and hear the tales of epic battle whether they be glorious in their victory or magnanimous in defeat.

Entries in this blog

Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week Three/Four-ish

So we're getting to crunch time. I got a pair of practice games in at my club last Thursday, Stormcast vs Stormcast. My takeaways from this was that positioning is super important and mortal wounds are the primary way to take down Stormcast. Having no real way to negate that, I suppose killing their mortal wound units is the only option. Best defense is a good offense and so on and so on. Lost game one when I didn't kill my opponent's Celestant with his whippy cloak, won game two when I used my



Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week Two

So not a lot of time to type this week. I've been slowly adding elements to rank and file, but then halfway through today I found myself unable to put down the Lord Castellant. He and his Gryph-hound are up to tabletop standard. I also bought myself a Winsor and Newton Series 7 #1 brush. God, what a difference. I started using that and a Royal Langnickel at the same time and the Langnickel is just about shot. The winsor looks new. To be fair, I am treating it with utmost care. Alright, I'll go m



Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week One

So not a whole lot to show in pictures this week, but I believe that much has been accomplished. My list, as updated after the release of the rules pack, contains 33 models in total. 3 of them are complete, I spent much time getting sand glued to the rest of the bases, bar the 4 Judicators who still need base coated. Damn this constant rainy weather. I've been following the colors that GW has been using for the basing, as well as army painter tufts, which I think really help the bases pop. The o



'Ere We Go

So here we are in the Age of Sigmar. I must admit, to my shame, I was one of the first to denounce this change. I railed against the lack of points, I decried the aesthetic of space marines creeping into my fantasy world and I openly mocked the 4 pages of rules. I played zero games before I said these things. Then I read the scrolls. Yes, the silly rules involving talking to vampires, raising a goblet to the lady and gazing deeply into your opponents eyes may have been upsetting, but the layers



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