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About starting playing Legion of Azgorh and learning from defeats.

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Crushing defeat

Yesterday i had second battle with Fyreslayers preparing for next weekend turney, we played 2000 points. My army Infernal Guard Castellan (120)- Darkforged Weapon & Spiteshield- Artefact: Crown of ConquestInfernal Guard Battle Standard Bearer (100)Daemonsmith (100)- Darkforged WeaponDrazhoath The Ashen (320)30 x Infernal Guard Ironsworn (240)30 x Infernal Guard Ironsworn (240)10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)Iron Daemon War Engine (180)Skullcrack



First battle

Last wednesday i played first fantasy game since 5th edition, my oponent was equally inexperienced with a second AoS game. My army was composed  Bull Centaur Taur'ruk (160) - General - Command Trait : Cunning Deceiver - Artefact : Chaos Runeblade Units 10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100) 10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100) 3 x Bull Centaur Renders (180) -Scalding Great Weapon 3 x Bull Centaur Renders (180) -Scalding Great Weapon War Machines Iron Daemon War



Back to business

Hello im Michal and i dont played warhammer fantasy for 18 years. I started playing in 4th edition as i had some abberance to Undeads but then 5th hit and i saw White Dwarf Presents: Chaos Dwarfs and fell in love to those evil little buggers. I played them for entire 5th and beginning of 6th but then moved to work In England and sold them to fund first few weeks of my living there which i regret. Some time ago Old World died and AoS launched and i started to think about coming back, as Forg Worl



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