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Works in Progress and miniature painting blog (with a few other musing here and there). 

Entries in this blog

WIP Wednesday - Basecoating My Astral Templars

So I finally put my brush to paint (been about almost 2 years) and started working on my Astral Templars. First time using a Large base brush from GW and have to say that it will take some getting used to. Previously I have used Small and Medium brushes to base , though I have to say it does get the job done a lot quicker using the large base brush , but I feel I miss some of the finer hidden parts using the larger brush (if that makes any sense ) again going to take some getting used to. Also I



Hello and Welcome

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I have been a tabletop gamer since the late 90s , and truly enjoy all aspects of the hobby. Be it building and painting miniatures or playing a few games with friends new and old, its a hobby I feel very much at home with. My  first tabletop game introduction was Warhammer Fantasy, the game just jumped out and spoke to me (a Fantasy tabletop game what more could I ask for) and though I have been on and off again in the hobby I have  alwaysenjoyed playi



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