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An occassionally updated painted blog.

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Occaisionally Painting

It turns out that small children made a mockery of even my modest painting goals. However! Like the Stormcast themselves, I persevered in the face of noisome opposition and recently managed to complete a small expeditionary force of the Dawn Arcus. The models have been painted for some time but I've finally managed to base them out. These were the models where I finally learned not to be scared of edge highlighting and Just Did It. That said, while I might not be scared of it any longer, it



Occasionally starting

I'm not a new painter, but it has been around 20 years since I actually really painted anything and most of that was for RPGs. A few years back I played 40K, but the weight of trying to paint an Ork army put paid to it actually getting painted. Recently though, I started reading the Age of Sigmar books. They're remarkably good to read at 3am while rocking a baby to sleep. Then, thanks in great part to the Warhammer Community site and, more specifically, Warhammer TV Tip of the Day, I got a



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