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About this blog

THIS!.....yes this collection of ramblings and shakey, bad lit pictures is to be a new venture for me. I am going to record my games, tournaments and general hobby time with my new Army- Kharadron Overlords. 


Entries in this blog

The maiden voyage 3- Battling the warlords

Im back guys! Its been a crazy few months indeed for myself and this army of steampunk midgets.  Only recently having my first son, and my work commitments have kept me from doing any real hobby however, i did get a chance last weekend to attend a 1500 pt tourney.  It was sigmar at warlords, the aim of which wad to get guys the 3 event minimum to attend the New Zealand Masters in December.  Out of the 3 games i had one major victory, one minor victory and one major loss. The army



Maiden voyage 2. Battling the Dawi Zharr

I'm back! Having only recently having my first son ive not had much time for gaming. Alas my partner has given me league to play tomorrow night!   So my game will be against Legion of Azgorh. I've only played against them twice back when i played Beastclaw raiders and lost both games due to horrendous shooting.  Going into this game i predict it to be a complete and utter slug fest. So i will have to really think about my positioning going into the 1st turn. I don't know the guys



The battle the blasted wastes-Maiden voyage 1

The expedition arrived in the Blasted Wastes to find a Council of Blood and a murderhost of strangely shiny grey Khorne Daemons.  Battle began after Khorne took the first turn and 1st turn charged a unit of Blood crushers into my right flank Arkanauts. The rest of his army moved up the board, mostly in range of my cannons and thunderers.  A misplaced charge from my endrinriggers caused them to be charged and mauled by a blood thirster, who i shot to death later on in the game. 



The maiden voyage

So i thought I would begin by showing you all my 2000 point, newly painted army. Bad lighting and not so good painting but you will get the gist of it. Essentially i started off AOS with BCR when they first came out. I loved them, played them at 2 tournaments and didn't get very far. Theeen overlords came about and i was all in, sold my BCR and poured all my mediocrity into them.  So! Tomorrow ( New Zealand south pacific dirty colonial time ) i will be playing my first 2k games against



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