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About this blog

A blog to cover my tentative journey into Age of Sigmar and some background i came up with that inspired me to create an army.

Entries in this blog

Initial Models

Initial Concept for the models is to keep them largely the same as they are to be a parody of a stormcast but with Skulls instead of helmets. The armour will be black with bone replacing any metals on the armour and the weapons, skulls and wings will be a glowing pale green (as per spirit hosts etc).  Hope to get some paint on them soon and see how the concept looks in reality



Initial Background

The initial Concept for the army. Still not 100% in stone as I'm not very familiar with the all the background so may change if totatlly counter to the canon. The Shades of Sigmar Nagash seethed. Unused to this feeling of being outplayed by that impudent fool who calls himself a god. A deal was done, Sigmar could do what he liked with the mortals but once the end came those souls belong to the lord of the dead. He broke the deal with these abominations, these re-forged souls. Once thes



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