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Random ramblings of one grumpy Troggoth.

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Lizard poisons Spock, or "The Rock-Paper-Scissors of AoS"

Lets preface with this: I don't know what I'm talking about. I never played a single game of AoS. I only read the rules, read some warscrolls, did some faulty math in my head. It's probably all just a pile of throggoth dung. On a rare chance it's not, it's probably been said by a million people before, but I haven't read it, so I'm claiming it genuine. I'm a troggoth, that's what I do. If by any weird occurrence of fate you misread my ramblings and somehow get any useful information from it, ple



The disappointing beginning of things that will probably never go anywhere, or "Painting: Liberators"

I've been putting this aside long enough. With the baby, work and everything, it was really hard to find the will to sit down and paint anything. Eventually, I had to tell myself "no more trolling, until you paint something"... I mean people are out there playing, and I'm sitting here watching pictures. No more of that. I sat down, and finished the "only need a few more layers" Liberators that I started (!) last August. It feels great to actually have something finished, bases and all. It's b



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