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About this blog

Welcome to my narrative blog following the adventures of Wjolnir, a small time smuggler afflicted by Nurgles Rot.

This tale will be supporting the AoS28 movement as well as a few narrative campaigns I am involved in. The story will grow and adapt based on games played with Wjolnir's retinue. If a significant character dies within the games, it will affect our story.


I am currently trying to post a small chapter each day to always have something fresh for you all to read. In the future I intend to add art and other media to help aid the story I am creating.  


All feedback is very welcome.

Entries in this blog

Chapter 4 - A Fathers Love

Chapter 4 –   The hull of the boat cut effortlessly through the glistening water as it carried Wjolnir further along the coast line. On the horizon, the sun was beginning to rise and was soaking everything it touched with a peach glow. Any other time this would have lifted his spirits and brought back memories of his childhood summers, spent fishing for small trout in the villages river. Today however it just irritated him. It was a painful reminder of a pleasure he would soon hav



Chapter 3 - Escape

Chapter 3 – Escape       He trembled with rage and his breath came in short angry bursts.  His shirt had been ripped off in the confrontation and he was now squatted, bare chested, over the corpse of the headless man. The small alley resembled a slaughterhouse, blood had pooled beneath the dead body and bits of brain and skull littered the area. Wjolnir had not avoided the bodily debris and was covered in what was left of the bandit’s face. His fists throbbed and



Chapter 2 - Headache

Chapter 2 – Headache   The liquor tasted like roasted almonds and burned as it slid down his throat. Wjolnir had barely touched the bottle in front of him however he had already begun perspiring and his head was swimming. He was seated in a dark corner of a dive bar called ‘The Boars Nipple’ minding his own business and considering his options. Nothing brings clarity to a man’s thoughts like his impending death. He swirled the amber liquid in his tumbler while taking a strong drag



Chapter 1 - Dead Man Walking

Tornburgh is a border town. A lawless settlement where money can buy you happiness or a dagger to the kidneys, depending on who you flash your coin at. It straddles the coastal edge of the swamp kingdom of Drang, yet owes no allegiance to the citadel. Its streets are full of merchants flogging smuggled goods, Slaves being auctioned to the highest bidder, unrecognisable food stalls and ****** houses offering companionship for coin. None of this interested Wjolnir however as he fought his way thro



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