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About this blog

Herein lies the deluded attempts for me to keep myself on track by posting regular(-ish) posts and  updates on my various adventures in the mortal realms. 

I'd love to say this will be a focused and indepth look at each project. 

More likely it'll be a confused jumble of different ideas and half finished projects as my spirit animal, the Hobby Magpie, takes over!

Entries in this blog

Chapter 3 - Too Many Projects!

So in the last few months, I've fallen into the usual trap of getting distracted - by new shiny releases, old rediscovered projects, etc. As a result I've fallen behind in what I'm meant to be focusing on - a new Destruction army for this year's 6 Nations in Scotland, and finishing off my Golden Demon entries in Warhammer Fest in May.  Oh - and regularly updating this blog. I think I can probably file that under "never gonna happen" So - to business!   With Golden demon just



Chapter Two - Grand Tournament Heat 1, Part 1

New year, new me, new attempt to keep updating this blog regularly! Last weekend I attended Heat 1 in Warhammer World as part of the Grand Tournament for Age of Sigmar. I thought  I'd note down a few observations from the weekend.  First off I'd like to compliment all 5 of my opponenets - Rob Symes, Sam Wilson, Matt Lyons, Simon Froley and Stu Orman. Each one was a pleasure to play against, and each game came right down to the wire. The game against Simon's Ironjawz was a real nailbite



Chapter One - Wherin the hero remembers he was meant to be writing a blog with "regular" updates

Ok, so I maaaaay have forgotten to post my regular updates as  However, I managed to get a game in last week in the local GW against a Freeguild Aelves alliance - really interesting force that I'm looking forward to see how it grows. The game was a proper back and forth affair, and I just managed to seal the win, thanks to my Crypt Ghast courtier unhorsing his general in an honorable joust. Or at least, that's what the Courtier saw from his point of view! I snapped a quick photo of the army



An Introduction; wherein our hero attempts to set himself unrealistic goals and gets distracted almost straight away

If you've stumbled onto this blog after plumbing the depths of the TGA community, welcome! You've tried the best, now try the rest! Little background for you before we get started. I've been actively involved in the hobby for the past 15 years. I first got hooked in on the Lord of the Rings back when the two towers was first released. Some of you might remember the fortnightly magazine series that came with the figures and paints - I learned a huge amount of my early hobby skills from those



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