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Building my first army.  I am having a great time painting the models.  Ironjawz are best.

Entries in this blog

Weirdnob Morkhead Conversion

I started working on this conversion today.  I was too excited to not assemble him immediately.  I also regret this immediately.   His name is Morkhead.  I added a skull mask and two extra pieces of cloth.  This is Morkhead after the first yellow glaze.  I'll build up the yellow and do a layer then highlight.  I think I will paint the skull and smoke green to show his proximity to gorkamorka and the waaagh.  But he may look like a greenbay packer.



Big post: Andrew's Ironjawz so far

Excuse the first huge post.   Here is the progress on my army.  You can first see the brutes, then the ardboyz, then the gruntaz and dragon. I had them on green bases to be oldschool.  But I am an artist and could not bear to do something that makes no sense, even for nostalgia.  Bases must be a neutral color.  I went with meadow bases.  The flowers tie the army together. I do not like the shields on the ardboyz.  They are too small.  So I attached the shields to the ardboyz faces inste



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