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Welcome to the woods. A blog focused on putting together my Wanderer's army.

Check out my other page: http://woodsofwarhammer.blogspot.com.au/

Entries in this blog

Orion - 1

Orion - WIP #1   It's been some time since my last post. Currently, I am visiting the US and hence haven't been able to make any progress on the 'Woods of Warhammer'. At least buying Warhammer is cheaper here. I'll be sure to get some on the way home.   Before I left I dug up an old 'Orion, King of the Woods' model. It took some time to take the paint off it but I am glad that I did.   With this model I'm aiming towards a fading/dying feel. As Orion is born in spring and



Wild Riders - WIP #1

Wild Riders - WIP #1 "Only the bravest or most foolhardy individuals remain abroad when the horns of the Wild Riders are heard upon the breeze, for their otherworldly tones invoke the fear of the prey in all who hear them... Those unlucky enough to be caught in their path are ridden down without mercy, their deaths a sacrifice to the timeless splendour of the King of the Woods."   Whilst working on my Glade Riders I have also been making progress on a unit of Wild Riders.   



Glade Riders - WIP #2

GLADE RIDERS - WIP #2 So I've made some progress on the glade riders - currently two of the eight are finished and they are giving me inspiration to finish off the rest.   I've been working on the colour scheme working up the reds of the cloth to an orange/yellow: - Base = Mephiston Red - Shade = Carroburg Crimson - Layer = Mephiston Red - Layer 2 = Blood Red - Layer 3 = 50% Blood Red/50% Wild Rider Red - Layer 4 = Wild Rider Red - Highlights = 50% Wild R



Glade Riders - WIP

Glade Riders - WIP Today I started progress on my wanderer's... I decided to start with some glade riders.  The models are beautiful, although the lack of poses on the horses is slightly annoying. The riders will be coming up next and I can't wait to really get stuck into the details.   Scheme: First of all, I'm going to paint a red/orange autumnal scheme. I'm not much of a 'traditional' army painter and like to paint colours which I feel make th



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