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About this blog

Painting progress on my 2k competitive list. Preparing for my first event in over 6 years coming in Febuary at the Las Vegas Open Age of Sigmar GT. 

I'll have works in progress on minis, some mild conversions, tactics and just stuff I find interesting regarding Skaven/Clan Pestilens! 

Entries in this blog

To paint a furnace...

Here is my work in progress on one of the furnaces for my list. I'll be doing the same techniques on both.  I began by with white primer, then dusted the bottom with necrotic flesh primer.  This helped set a mild green/yellow tone to the model. Then next step, I began doing the smoke elements by wet blending skull white, stone grey and matte black.  Next I used plague shader to set my initial green shade.  Then I re did the smoke elements and the chain with Claymore Blade, th



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